Your Stay
We are committed to making your experience, the best experience.
Robina Private offers only private rooms.
All rooms include a TV, complimentary WiFi, a telephone for local calls and ensuite facilities. Patient lounges and seating areas are available in each Ward.
DVA Accommodation
All accommodation at Robina Private Hospital is single room with ensuite. There are no shared rooms.
Learn more about Veterans and DVA.
Food and nutrition are an integral part of your experience at Robina Private Hospital.
We are proud of our 5 Star “Eat Safe Gold Coast rating”. 5 Stars are only awarded to excellent performers who demonstrate a high level of compliance with the Food Safety Act, and excellent safety management practices.
Our Catering team aims to provide you with nutritious and tasty meals to aid your recovery. A menu is provided each day, allowing you to select meals according to your tastes and dietary requirements.
We also have a range of special diets available to meet your needs, and for those wishing to observe religious, cultural or personal principles.
Meal service times are:
- Breakfast: 7:00am - 8:00am
- Lunch: 12.00 - 1:00pm
- Dinner: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
A selection of biscuits, cakes and fresh fruit are also available at morning tea, afternoon tea and supper.
Café Facilities
Robeana’s Cafe is located in the main foyer of the hospital. Both sit down meals and takeaway food are available. The café is open:
- Monday to Friday: 7:30am – 3:00pm
Snacks and refreshments can also be purchased from dispensing machines which are available on the ground floor of the hospital.
Our staff take pride in delivering a high standard of hotel service, through the maintenance and cleaning of all patient areas and rooms.
We recommend that you travel to and from hospital with a carer, friend or relative. Undercover paid parking is available on onsite.
Pastoral care
Religious visits can be arranged on request. Please speak to our hospital staff who will be happy to organise a suitable visit for you.